As we seek to grow and learn as Christian disciples, we do so together through mutual care and support.
To find out more about any of the groups or activities detailed below please pick up one of our weekly notices sheet from the foyer or email us.
Caring for Each Other
We all have a role in caring for each other, we also have a pastoral team and aim for everyone to have a pastoral contact. We seek to be a dementia-friendly church.
If you have any particular issues that you would like to speak to someone about, please contact us.
Sherwood Men's Group
The Men’s Breakfast meets regularly at a local pub on a Saturday morning for breakfast and discussion and to share fellowship and have fun together. From time to time, we also have speakers, short local walks or other social activities. We also join with men’s groups from other churches for an annual weekend away.
Prayer underpins all we do as a church community. Each Saturday morning at 9.30am we hold a time of prayer in a small group at church. Prayer shawls and squares made by the Knit and Natter group are give to those in need of support. We have a small Quiet Room that can be used for private prayer or reflection. This room contains prayer resources including our knitted prayer squares and prayer stools.
Knit and Natter
We meet weekly, either at the church or on Zoom. We knit items such as prayer shawls, angels, blankets for the neonatal unit, and bunting for Sherwood Art Week. At times people also bring their own knitting or crafts.
Soup and Chat We meet up for soup, cake and a chat every other week in the Upper Halll from 1pm.
We aim to provide a safe space for everyone. The church has a strict safeguarding policy to provide a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults. Anyone leading or helping in a group is required to undergo checks and the relevant level of training, both of which a constantly being monitored and updated. Download our Safeguarding Policy below: